Did you ever watch T.V as a kid!? Holy shit it's wild!
" its coming out like toothpaste" says the TV for the second time.
Shannon and I have been watching teletubbies for the fist time in ten years. The windmill in the distance is the parental figure, calling them to do something that they dont want to do. They succomb to flashes that come from their stomachs and lay down on the ground as the camera pans in to the stomach TV for video time....children squirting out brightly colored icing, forming little icing houses and little icing people. Of babies sucking on plastic guitars. pointless clips with no words...where are these kids anyway? The Tubby tummy? The tubby large intestine???? They play these five minute clips TWICe. TwiCe during the show. Same fucking thing.
The crazy wierd thing that rolls around with the fucking TUBE.?? That is the maid?? And tubby custard, this machine makes odd looking shit liquid ice cream and the red tubby yells "tubby custard tubby custard" this shit happens over and over, with each tubby waiting for his ice cream shit looking liquid as the machine distributes it. This process takes up like ten minutes of the program and it has happened in every episode that I have ever seen. It is always youngest to oldest. The shortest always comes lastly as the tallest comes first. The youngest is always the most retarted sounding. bood boob boop boop boop fart....the machine goes and it turns out the shit custard. "tubby custard tubby custaard"
The voice of reason always speaks at the end, when the tubbies sink down into their little holes for the night..creepy really.
"So what changes about the show"? Shannon asked?
"Not a damn thing".....almost exactly the same every episode. brilliant.
They are all supposed to be different races. Their wierd little faces are all slightly different shades of tan/yellow/brown.
"What happens when we spill tubby custard?"voice of reason asks.
"The nunu cleans up" they say in unison
(...thats the wierd fucking vaccuum thing)
Oh and lest we forget, the varied shapes of dildo looking things on top of their heads. Weird. BBC is f'ing weird.