where do i go now? i went to wal mart today, there were nothing but lost souls at that place on a monday afternoon. a woman with two little girls. i dont know how old they were, i can never tell with little kids. ill guess seven. seven and six. she was hunched over her shopping cart, dying for a cigarette. buying cereal. both girls carry pink and purple cases with plastic pink and purple doll shit inside, they argue about who's is prettier. I did that once. they look at me like im a god. im a big girl. shee-it.
the smoker coughs. they will cry when they get to the non-smoking part of school, i did.
the part where some middle aged divorcee DARE representative puts on a happy dance and comes to talk about the dangers of smoking, and tell all those innocent little ears that smoking is bad....and give out proud stickers for the non-smoking six and seven year olds
who will eventually take their sons and daughters into wal mart
monday afternoon
while he is at work
and she is dying for a cigarette
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