Wednesday, August 29, 2007

oh me oh my oh summer

As it comes to an end
of summer is it
in awe and gaze
and wonder why it
is i want to be so
damn uncouth so
raw filthy
like the boys
and the dog days
and the cut-offs of summer
the bare foot journeys
that chased off the hunger

the satisfaction that came from depression
the feelings of love
that bordered obsession
the rains
the flood
the river
the mud
the great scenes from the grass on my back up above
the dark man who chased us
the white moon who saved us
the curious prophet whos knowlege amazed us
discovering God who was already there
the smells of the summer
unwashed from our hair
of sweat
of weed
of grass
of wind
of romance
of perfume
of long distance friend

some things you think
they never will end
like summer
but somehow
the rule never bends
the summer it waves
with fall it must blend
the moon will stilll rise up
but fun will descend
the bronzes will fade
the clothes put away
and we'll watch the sky
for the next summer day.

1 comment:

onlynmyeyes84 said...

This makes me so looking forward to next summer, so many memories, so many things that I miss about it and so many things that I have to look forward to next summer.